How to Polish a Stainless Steel Sink and Clean It

How to Polish a Stainless Steel Sink and Clean It

It’s simple to overlook your sink when there are so many other appliances in your house. But this kitchen appliance could use some tender loving care after all those pasta meals and their sloppy clean-ups. Cleaning your stainless steel sink during your regular house cleaning in Los Angeles or so can help prevent the growth of bacteria, but a thorough deep cleaning and buffing will restore its luster. The good news is that you can do it all with kitchen items you already have. How to clean and polish a stainless steel sink is shown here.

1. Rinse and empty.

It is best to clean the sink before starting to make sure it has nothing in it, including dishes or cleaning supplies. In order to get rid of any food particles that may be stuck in the pipe, you should wash everything down the drain thoroughly with hot water. When performing your pre-rinse, pay attention to your faucet and the sides of the sink. If there are any obstinate, stuck-on particles, use a little dish soap and your sponge to scrub those off.

2. Apply a Baking Soda Coat

After thoroughly rinsing your sink, sprinkle some baking soda on the floor. The unsung kitchen hero is baking soda. It can be used in baking, cleaning, and maintaining freshness in your surroundings. Your stainless steel’s finish won’t be scratched by baking soda, but it will get rid of grease, smells, and water stains.

3. Scrub

If you are doing it yourself without a maid, you should put on your gloves for the subsequent step since baking soda might cause your skin to become dry and irritating. You should be able to determine the direction of the steel grain by looking at your sink. The grain will either run horizontally or vertically and resembles faded lines. Gently scrub in the direction of the grain with your nylon brush. If you don’t have a brush, you can also use an acrylic pad for this area.

After that, move to the toothbrush and use it to truly reach the nooks and crannies that the bigger brush can’t.

4. Use Vinegar

Do you recall performing the scientific experiment in which you caused a volcano to erupt? It’s time to make your sink into a miniature version of that. Baking soda and vinegar are well-liked substitutes for a commercial cleaner from the market. Spray the baking powder residue on your sink with white vinegar after adding some to your spray bottle.

When it stops bubbling after a few minutes of sitting and having its “volcanic” chemical reaction, thoroughly rinse your sink. To prevent smudges, wipe the sink dry right away. You might need to repeat this step if your sink was particularly filthy, to begin with, or if this is your first time deep cleaning it.

5. Spot Treating

You can use a paste made of cream of tartar and vinegar to scrub out rust stains on your sink or other stains that persisted despite the baking soda and vinegar scrub. If you don’t need as much, combine 1 cup of white vinegar with 1/4 cup of cream of tartar (or a 1:4 ratio). Apply the mixture to the stain, then wait a few minutes before removing it. Dry the area after rinsing with warm water.

6. Brush It Off

In this phase, your sink will truly shine (pun intended). Your sink and fixtures will shine if you rub them with a little olive oil and a towel. If you use too much olive oil, you can remove it with a dry cloth because a little goes a long way. Olive oil will protect your sink by creating a barrier that will keep it clean for a longer period of time in addition to improving the aesthetics of your sink.

When attempting to remove buildup or residue, always use a soft sponge and a natural abrasive cleaner because the majority of household items are particularly prone to scratching. Many homeowners, as well as cleaning specialists like maids, have made this error.

Other Advice

On your sink, avoid using any metal scrubbers or brushes. They’ll mar the finish and cause scratches.

If you don’t have vinegar, clean your sink with baking soda and water first, then rub half a lemon over the surface.

After each use, dry the sink to avoid wet spots developing on it between deep cleanings. When water is left in droplets to dry by air, water spots develop.

Wipe your fixtures down completely after applying the olive oil to prevent slipping.

Should you need help in deep cleaning your sink, you may contact a local company for house cleaning in Sacramento.